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Explorations in Socials 11 Page 2


Identify continuity and change in the development of urban spaces (continuity and change)

 How has the city of Prince George changed in the past 50 years?  How has it remained the same? Why?  What might the city look like in 50 years?

  1. They will be introduced to the theme of Continuity and Change through classroom examples.

  2. Students will have access to a 1966 Prince George Map and a modern map of the city. They will be asked to find various schools, health services, hotels, etc., from 1966 and make comparisons to today.

  3. They will then either participate in a real or virtual tour of the Downtown examining the places that have changed, those that have not, and discuss why things are different and much the same over time.

  4. They will then create their own virtual tour of a section of the city, modeling it on the Historic Tour.

  5. They will finally be asked to imagine that students from the future will be asked to do the same assignment.They are to choose a section of the city and explain why the buildings, businesses, schools, hospitals, etc., are located where they are now.Students could make some reasonable guesses about future change (how online shopping could change the nature of brick and mortar businesses, for example).


Suggested Resource

Continuity and Change: Prince George


3 weeks


Assess how prevailing conditions and the actions of individuals or groups affect events, decisions, and developments (cause and consequence)

Can you run a country so that in 100 years it will become “Green?”

  1. There is a BBC online game from students to use for this activity.I will be creating a template for them to use while playing.As well, they will have to explain, justify, and reflect on the choices they made in a classroom presentation.

This is a two/three day assignment


Can you build a city so that it can thrive after 250 years of existence?

  1. This game exists online, and is available on my web site.This would work best after playing the game above.The activity can last several days.

  2. There would be a presentation/display of their work for the class to examine

2/3 days




Explain different perspectives on past or present people, places, issues, and events by considering prevailing norms, values, worldviews, and beliefs (perspective)

Using real world examples, can you create a British Columbia First Nations Treaty?

  1. There is an online role play example, but I would modify it.I would have students study the reasons behind the treaties, and spend time going through a real world example with them.I would then divided the class into two groups (not three as recommended in the role play) and have them draw up terms and debate. The groups would act as First Nation representatives and government negotiators.One could easily make the groups smaller and have them separate in two or three sets of negotiators rather than have only one large group negotiating with one other large group.

  2. I would also have students actually create a treaty (many are about 600-800 pages long-I would negotiate with the students and have them deal with the most pressing/significant aspects of a treaty and limit it to 10-15 pages).

  3. It would also be a good idea to have a local First Nations leader see their examples of a treaty and come to the classroom to discuss what happens in the ”real” negotiations.

2 weeks



Recognize implicit and explicit ethical judgments in a variety of sources (ethical judgments), As well, make reasoned ethical judgments about controversial actions in the past and present, and whether we have a responsibility to respond

The Execution of Joan of Arc

Alcohol and the Law in Canada: Case Studies


These assignments are 2/3 days in length


Should the world forgive loans to Africa?  A study of the impact of slavery and colonialism on Africa and the world

  1. Students will examine the Slave Trade and colonialism in Africa, and examine the impact of these topics on Africa.Students would be given a number of resources that evaluate the impact of slavery/colonialism and be asked to create a proposal to either have the world forgive the loans, lessen the loans, or to leave the loans as is.

2 weeks


Final Project

In concert with the students, I would have them design a presentation to share with the class

The topics could be almost anything, but the presentation would have incorporate some or all of the curricular competencies.

Possible Topics:

  1. Disease/plagues in history

  2. Impact of geography on history (or )

  3. A student response to Truth and Reconciliation

  4. Women’s history

  5. LGBTQ history

  6. Impact of technology on history (most important invention, etc.)

  7. Why do we tend to ignore the history of South America here in British Columbia?

The possible topics are to be negotiated with the students, and student choice should factor into their final projects.  They are to design and present a project that answers a Social Studies question (whether history, geography, philosophy, economics, etc.)

Once the question is decided, students should do independent research to create a presentation that uses the curricular competencies to clearly and definitively answer their question. 

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