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Social 10 Lesson Ideas
To find lesson/units/activities from Ontario teachers, Google CHC2D.  Lots of materials available there
Canada 1920s and 1930s

World War 11

    -General Sites


Holocaust Lesson/Unit Sites


Canada And the Cold War


Late 20th/Early 21st Century



Multicultural Canada


First Nations Materials

All of the following contain lessons and units that cover all of the curricular competencies to varying degrees




Canada After 1945

Did the Government over-react to the FLQ Crisis? Evidence

Quebec in Canada-Historical Perspectives Continuity and Change

Universal health Care in Canada Historical Significance, Cause and Consequence

Changing Immigration Policy in Canada Continuity and Change, Cause and Consequences




Government: Political Science










These lessons and units use most of the curricular competencies, in various ways.  They stress using evidence to draw conclusions and to make ethical decisions about human geography issues








For each of these, i asked students to create a museum exhibit.  We researched what they could look like and what should be included.  The end result was quite good.  On one of the pages included here I gave students a wide variety of choices on how they wanted to present-these were used in  earlier projects.  The end results were not so good.  Too much choice, at least for my students, led to confusion.  But I include them here in case you are interested in trying them out.  Also, keep in mind that these final projects dealt only with the history section of the course. 

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