Social 10 Lesson Ideas
To find lesson/units/activities from Ontario teachers, Google CHC2D. Lots of materials available there
Canada 1920s and 1930s
Treaty of Versailles Negotiations Game Inquiry/Evidence/Cause and Consequence
Impact of the First World War on Canada Historical Significance (resulting in change)
Example Unit
-Political Philosophies Chart Ethical Judgment
-Government Reaction to the Great Depression Ethical Dimension
-Regina Riot Evidence
-1932 Prices
-Could You Survive the Depression? Evidence/Historical Perspective
-PPT-Ideas around the Curricular Competencies
Winnipeg General Strike Ethical Dimensions
Canadian Autonomy Between the Wars Continuity and Change
Causes of the Great Depression Cause and Consequence
Impact of the Depression in Canada Historical Inquiry/Working with Evidence
Global Impact of the Great Depression Evidence/Cause and Consequence
World War 11
-General Sites
Buzz Beurling-Canadian Pilot. Site examines home front, propaganda, life on the front, adapting to civilian life Working with Evidence/Historical perspectives
Second World War Education Guide-From Historica Canada Evidence/Cause and Consequence/Significance
The Cenotaph Project-From Historica Canada Evidence/Historical Perspective
Holocaust Lesson/Unit Sites
Teachers Guide to the Holocaust A helpful site from the Florida Holocaust Museum. Covers all of the Curricular competencies
Holocaust Memorial Museum (US) Very helpful site with lessons and activities-covers all of the curricular competencies
The Holocaust and Resistance Cause and Consequence/Ethical dimension
Canada And the Cold War
Series of Lessons From Ontario Curriculum
Diefenbunker and the Cold War Museum The site contains a number of Cold War lessons, and most focus on primary and secondary sources and working with evidence.
Canada and the Welfare State Historical Significance
Is Canada a Peacekeeping Nation? Deals with Historical Significance and Historical Perspective
Late 20th/Early 21st Century
Multicultural Canada
Komagata Maru Contains almost all of the Curricular Competencies in a series of lessons
Cultural Mosaic in Graphs Working with Evidence (census data)
Seeking Refuse: Understanding Refugees Ethical Judgment
October Crisis Using Historical Evidence
Human rights in the 20th Century Cause and Consequence, Continuity and Change
Women's Suffrage in Canada Historical Perspectives
Head Tax Resource Site Lessons cover all curricular competencies
Mock Canadian Human Rights Tribunal Historical Perspectives, Ethical Judgment
Imagineaction-Human Rights Lesson Plans (Canadian Teachers' Federation) Wide range of lessons that cover all of the curricular competencies
First Nations Materials
All of the following contain lessons and units that cover all of the curricular competencies to varying degrees
Project of Heart_Book
Project of Heart Lesson Plans
Residential Schools
Day at a Residential School
Reflecting on Residential Schools in Canada
Legacy of Hope Foundation
Aboriginal Justice Concepts
Aboriginal rights and Title in BC Continuity and Change, Historical Perspectives
Canada After 1945
Did the Government over-react to the FLQ Crisis? Evidence
Quebec in Canada-Historical Perspectives Continuity and Change
Universal health Care in Canada Historical Significance, Cause and Consequence
Changing Immigration Policy in Canada Continuity and Change, Cause and Consequences
Government: Political Science
Parliament of Canada-Teacher Resources
These lessons and units use most of the curricular competencies, in various ways. They stress using evidence to draw conclusions and to make ethical decisions about human geography issues
Human Rights Toolkit: A series of lessons and websites for teachers
Climate Insights 101: from the Pacific Institute for Climate Solutions
For each of these, i asked students to create a museum exhibit. We researched what they could look like and what should be included. The end result was quite good. On one of the pages included here I gave students a wide variety of choices on how they wanted to present-these were used in earlier projects. The end results were not so good. Too much choice, at least for my students, led to confusion. But I include them here in case you are interested in trying them out. Also, keep in mind that these final projects dealt only with the history section of the course.